All Any Logic In Virtue 佥甚理于德 датьмо́жнодать
道: Work in Progress ... WIP: 做事 干佥甚理于德 共同體 :
Semiois systematic problems ended by basics in business and management. Apply discpline.
All /infinite All Absolute Freedom.
DILLIGAF to disciplined to DILLIGAF and disciplined audiences and markets.
top right 4 spehres (minds eye box x,y,z [tp] set by inner query, 1 or all, link/connect/associate/cluster forms (tap switch spin)): type query (pseudeo langaugae set,all data, their focus, your focus, their view, your view, their perception, your perception.
all are linked. selected areas in far left, spin spheres (set view - with warp in - between).
top right sets at one plane
bottom right sets on other plane
left are sets in relation to {xyz [tp} set factors pseudo language query
. ,
- positive in work communicattion: feed back into navi-control. multi-control group with linking on team: top right: each sphere positive group at work, each at control, each moving conrtrol: mutli-xd view, team cooerdinator at view, views organised
(view circle back, view circle forward, each view movement --/> ready immediate action.): each at team control left same for their indvidiual navi-control focus, the multi-dd changes, the bottom right changes, the inner on top right changes different momeuntum (humena push speed on control momentum, see each person as each circle [one of ma y methods, navigate whole data set)
expand/contract timebar seconds/minutes/hours/days/weeks/months/years ... time periods... and abstract time periods.
in multi-xd view: multi screen: lists of practical: said, understood, position, how said, how understood, who said, who understood, who where understood, when understood. in between and with that are the warps: narrative, position, resources, focus, plans, presentation
hyper abstract back to planet earth. network connections, money - transactions -all means/methods, phone calls, messengers, [flow area factors]
for each topic/fact/narrartive what is the cost, what has been done - it stops, work plan
top 5 round objects: inner is a cricle, others out dependin on the x,y,z,xyz[tp] {time, physcail factors}
- either query : range : focus
- team: outer 4 are team. team person sees the other circles change and reelated objects change as team members work, yours is the inner circle focus (team method, effect on team circle - based on the setup)
organisation: deck, front console - sweeping view top down of all, large span/zoom/depth pan (overview). each team member has a team member that connects to another team at least, other team members connect to other team members. roles, associations, links, connections, outer moment spanning an area same fact/topic connection - time/physical.
Chaos in the mind of actor studio dancing the inner of the actor to life with other actors in the mind of story using Chaos of light rays forming areas and worlds and inner worlds and communities of story activity of active minds see and unseen.